All Rights Reserved 2013

In those days we spoke with life

and thus knew beauty all around

In our pottery and carvings,

weavings and weapons,

we brought forth the Creator.

When animals spoke,

it was to teach us valuable lessons.

When the Clay Mother permitted

women to gather her sacred earth,

we were blessed

-Nancy Woods

Plains Warrior

Cowboy Union

War Bonnet Cow Hand

Gun Fighter Chippewa Cree

The Huron, 15 x 10
Ottawa Warrior

Kneeling Yellow Bull, 20 x 12

Crow Eagle, 20 x 12 The Flute Song, 13 x 10

Plains Warrior, 20 x 7.5 x 6.75 Le Chapeau de la Femme

Moving Day, 14 x 15 x 6

To Inquire About Availability or Cost
Please Contact Barbara Kiwak at: